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Join leading Pilates expert Katya Kinski online as she guides, entertains and challenges you using her innovative, balanced approach and unique brand of humour. These fun and varied full body workouts are 15 to 50 min long and are unlike any you have done before. Far from generic, this comprehensive library has a special formulae that makes Pilates super effective and enjoyable. Designed for intermediate to advanced clients in search of a stimulating personal home program, there is a different class for every day of the month, options for targeting postural issues, and sequences designed to improve sporting technique. Tone up, lose weight and enjoy some ‘me time’ with an instructor who understands your Pilates needs. Katya’s videos reflect the real-life teacher-student setting, ensuring full exercise explanations and accurate corrections to improve technique and maximise the benefits of your Pilates practice.
1-Month subscriptions are billed monthly until cancelled. 3-Month subscriptions are billed once every 3 months until cancelled.