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Tutorial Videos are purchased once-off. There will be no recurring charges.

$20.00 Once-Off
The program has been approved by a registered midwife and it is filmed with 2 beautiful moms to be. One of the ladies on the second trimester, the other is nearly ready to pop. I will share with you what to watch out for at every stage of your pregnancy, and together we will experience a special workout which is fun but safe. (Suitable for all 3 trimesters and no prior Pilates training is required.)

$25.00 Once-Off
If you are a Pilates teacher or someone ready to enjoy your next Pilates challenge this course is for you. Enhance your teaching skills, stimulate your creativity, build and retain your client base. Advanced Pilates repertoire requires higher level of awareness, greater flexibility, coordination, beautiful control and fluidity of movement. This course will help you to accurately judge if and when your client is ready to progress.